99.3: Sen. Nancy Stiles, R-Hampton, was excused for one vote.

97.9: Sen. Russell Prescott, R-Kingston, was excused for three votes. Running for Executive Council, District 3.

97.2: Sen. John Reagan, was excused for four votes. Running for reelection.

There are various reasons for members to miss votes. With legislative meetings beginning early in the morning and often going late into the afternoon or evening, not all members can be present for each vote, with business and family obligations.

Frequently, little notice is given that a roll call will be taken, and some legislators may be present in the Statehouse attending meetings with constituents, committees, or doing research and may not be in their seats the moment a roll call is requested. Missing many votes may be the result of a long illness. Sometimes, legislators may have excellent attendance for legislative days, but may have missed a day when a large number of votes were recorded. This roll call tally indicates those circumstances.

Legislators have also been known to “take a walk,” which refers to purposely avoiding being present when a controversial vote comes up.

For contact information and specific roll call votes, visit NH.gov.